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Employee Financial Wellness Survey

Financial stress has multiple side effects Of those workers who say their financial worries have severely or severely affected their productivity at work, 67% have difficulty paying household expenses on time each month, 71% have personal debt, and 64% use credit cards to pay for the necessities you need. couldn’t afford anything else. One in four have less than $1,000 saved for retirement, and more than half plan to postpone superannuation.

Millennials are more probable than Gen Xers to say that financial worries have affected their productivity. Since many Millennials are in their 30s and struggling with the economic implications of a variety of life proceedings, employers should emphasize financial planning workshops and coaching designed for employees who are dealing with the financial implications of things like grocery shopping. of a house, marriage, parenthood, etc. Dealing with divorce.

Employees whose financial concerns have seriously or severely affected their productivity seem to be particularly receptive to help. More than half told us that they know their employer offers services to help them with their personal finances. (By comparison, less than a third of employees whose productivity was not significantly or strongly affected by their finances had this knowledge.) They are more likely to have used and valued the financial wellness services offered by their employer as extremely helpful. They are also more likely to want a higher rating when it comes to their finances. Nearly half of those whose productivity has hurt want to know what to do with their finances, compared to a third of other workers.

The vast majority (73%) of workers whose productivity at work is severely or severely affected by their financial concerns also say that their finances have significantly affected their self-esteem. Employee resource groups can be especially helpful for employees who need to feel connected at a time when work and personal issues collide in such a way that they feel less successful on both fronts.

Since more than half of financially stressed employees, unfocussed by their finances at work, spend three hours or more each week commerce with personal cash issues during work hours, employers who recruit their employees into wellness resources to reduce stress, the potential to generate tangible gains in employee focus and productivity.

What Goes Into An Evaluation?

The purpose of a financial wellness assessment is to determine your wants and needs for your financial wellness program.

Therefore, it is very important to respond to these wishes and needs. To do this, you essential to ask both objective and subjective questions.

Objective Questions Include Financial Measures Such As:

What is your debt?

Do you own a house?

Do you have an emergency savings plan? If yes, how much did you save?

What is your current credit rating?

Do you create and live on a budget?

And more

Subjective measures include things like:

Self-reported financial stress level

How does the employee feel about the savings? Spent?2024-03-28

What does financial well-being mean to you?

How confident do you feel when making financial choices?

And more

Keep in mind that you’ll get better results if you take the survey online and anonymously, as your staff are more likely to be honest and objective.

However, it is important that your survey separates respondents into collections, such as employee sections or executives and non-executives.

Without this empathetic, the answers you receive may not help you determine what your employees really need, and at what levels.


Employee Financial Wellness Survey

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