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Side Effects Of The Pill

Side Effects – It prevents pregnancy, but is not free from side effects: In some cases, the pill causes nausea, weight gain or headaches. Life-threatening blood vessel occlusions (thrombosis) sometimes occur. Here you can find out more about different generations of the pill, side effects and the signs you should see a doctor.

Pill: Mild To Severe Side Effects

The pill can have less serious side effects, which usually go away within a few months of first taking it.

If the pill contains the hormones estrogen and progestin (“combined preparation”), the following side effects are possible:

bleeding disorders

bloated stomach


weight gain

psychological impairments such as depressive moods

breast tenderness


dry vagina

less desire for sex

If The Pill Only Contains Progestins (Mini-Pill), The Following Side Effects Are Possible:

bleeding disorders

cysts on the ovaries


weight changes


breast tenderness

bloated stomach

less desire for sex

Masculinization such as facial hair or a deeper voice

Dangerous Side Effects

Like most highly effective medicines, the pill can, albeit rarely, cause serious, sometimes life-threatening side effects. This contains:

thrombosis (closure of blood vessels)

Heart attack

Sudden circulatory disorders (apoplexy) with e.g. B. Stroke as a result

cervical cancer or breast cancer

decrease in bone density

Researchers have been investigating to what extent the pill increases the risk of these side effects for decades. Since there is not one type of pill, but more than 50 different preparations and the risks depend on the age of the woman, the duration of use and the living conditions (such as smoking or being overweight), there are countless scientific studies on this.

Experts still don’t agree on how likely it is that the pill will cause side effects such as vascular occlusion. Even if such undesirable effects occur relatively rarely, users should be aware of them.

Pill: Cancer Risk And Bone Density

The influence of hormone preparations on the development of cancer has not yet been conclusively researched. Overall, women who have taken the pill appear to have a slightly increased risk of breast cancer. However, we do not advise against taking hormonal contraceptives.

The pill reduces the risk of developing ovarian and cervical cancer. It is unclear to what extent the pill has an impact on the development or prevention of uterine or colon cancer.

Women who take combined estrogen and progestogen pills have lower bone density than women who don’t take the pill.

Pill: Side Effects On The Psyche

In some cases, the pill also affects the psyche: Compared to women without hormonal contraception, women who took a combination pill with progestin and estrogen suffered 20 percent more often from depression. A progestin-only pill increased the risk by 30 percent, and the vaginal ring by as much as 60 percent. And women who used a hormonal contraceptive patch doubled their chances of developing depression.


The risk of depression was greatest six months after starting hormonal contraception – then the additional risk was 40 percent on average. After four to seven years it was only ten percent.

Responsibility Of Doctors

Because taking the pill is associated with potentially life-threatening cardiovascular disease, doctors should carefully weigh the benefits and risks for each individual patient before prescribing it. He then selects the most suitable pill for the individual – with a high level of contraceptive protection and the fewest possible side effects.

Possible Stopping Of The Pill: Warnings

When you’re on the pill, you should see a doctor as soon as possible if you notice the following symptoms:

stomach pain

chest pain

Migraines/severe headaches

visual disturbance

leg swelling and pain

shortness of breath, shortness of breath

sudden cough, possibly with bloody sputum

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