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Heavy Sweating : That Helps From It!

Heavy Sweating -Damp hands, wet armpits, sweaty feet? Anyone who suffers from heavy sweating knows this all too well. Just like the associated, unpleasant situations, such as at the job interview or the first date. Excessive sweating is often not only annoying, but also reduces the quality of life. Here’s what you can do to calm overactive sweat glands.

What Helps Against Heavy Sweating?

Heavy sweating, medically known as hyperhidrosis, occurs when the body produces more sweat than is necessary for natural temperature regulation.

Hyperhidrosis symptoms are particularly evident when there are many sweat glands. The most common forms at a glance:

Hyperhidrosis of the hands

second Hyperhidrosis of the feet

Hyperhidrosis of the axilla

Hyperhidrosis of the face

Sometimes no cause for the increased sweat production can be identified. Then doctors use the term primary hyperhidrosis.

Some diseases, such as certain tumor diseases or an overactive thyroid, are often accompanied by heavy sweating. Doctors then speak of secondary hyperhidrosis. The treatment of hyperhidrosis is aimed at the underlying disease.

There are several options for treating the primary form of hyperhidrosis. Depending on whether your hands, feet or armpits sweat a lot, some methods are more suitable than others.

Antiperspirant Deodorants

If you sweat a lot under your armpits, special antiperspirant deodorants can help. The aluminum salts it contains narrow the ducts of the sweat glands so that less sweat is produced.

Since hyperhidrosis therapy with antiperspirant deodorants usually only works after a few weeks, you need a little patience.

Aluminum salts are suspected of being carcinogenic. According to the current hyperhidrosis guidelines of the German Dermatological Society (DDG), however, this suspicion is unfounded.

Accordingly, there are currently no studies that scientifically prove a connection between deodorants containing aluminum salt and cancer. However, it is advisable to use aluminum deodorants sparingly.

Tap Water Iontophoresis For Heavy Sweating

This treatment is good for heavily sweating hands or feet. It works with weak electrical direct current. This is conducted through the skin into the body via electrodes.


Water serves as the conduction element: Hands or feet are immersed in a tub of tap water, in which the electrodes are attached. It is also possible to place wet electrodes directly on the skin instead. This will include the armpits and face.

The success rate of iontophoresis is around 80 percent. However, it is not known exactly how the method works. What is certain, however, is that the direct current process is harmless. Iontophoresis is one of the recognized standard procedures in the treatment of hyperhidrosis.

It is also possible to use the procedure at home. A good alternative, since the therapy sessions usually take place three times a week at the beginning. The corresponding devices are available, for example, in medical supply stores.

Tap water iontophoresis is not suitable for pregnant women and people with electronic implants such as pacemakers.


These methods damage the sweat glands thermally, i.e. with the help of heat. As with Botox therapy, only the armpits are treated because radio frequency, microwaves and ultrasound can damage other skin or nerve structures.

Operating Procedures For Heavy Sweating

If the conservative procedures described do not help, there is the option of surgically removing the overactive sweat glands in the armpits. In the past, this was usually done as part of a radical excision – the surgeon cut out the tissue under the armpit skin, including the sweat glands.

Gentler Methods Are Common Today: Heavy Sweating

Subcutaneous curettage: The armpit sweat glands are removed through two small incisions in the skin with a curette or what is known as a “sharp curette”.

Subcutaneous suction curettage: First, the fatty tissue under the skin is loosened. The sweat glands are then curetted and suctioned out.

Laser-assisted suction curettage: In addition to curettage, the sweat glands are thermally damaged with a laser fiber guided under the skin.

Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy is suitable for the treatment of hyperhidrosis in the armpits, face or hands and feet. The surgeon cuts the autonomic nerves in the chest that control sweat production.

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