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Diet And Exercise: How To Lose Pounds!


Lose pounds With Exercise And Diet: Here’s How

The sticking point in weight management is the ratio of energy consumed to energy consumed: If you consume the same number of calories as you burn, your weight remains the same. If you eat more than you need, your body stores the excess energy and you gain weight. calorie deficit, you lose weight.

Sounds easy, but how do you achieve a negative energy balance and maintain it until you reach your desired weight? Is exercise enough – or is nutrition more important?

Lose pounds With Exercise

Exercising burns calories – significantly more than sitting or standing. So, regular physical activity should help you lose weight. However, most people overestimate the power of exercise.

For example, women burn an estimated 65 calories per kilometer while running, men 77. That means a good 320 or 380 calories per five kilometer jog.

You have that again with a portion of spaghetti with tomato sauce. But you shouldn’t starve either, because the body tries to save energy and slows down the metabolism in the event of a permanent deficit.

Sport alone is therefore not enough in most cases to lose weight. But it’s a useful addition. For example, if you have already lost pounds, it will help you maintain the weight. Exercise also improves cardiovascular health and strengthens muscles. The latter, in turn, consumes more energy than fat, even when at rest. Lose weight with diet

Yes, you can lose weight through diet. In fact, it’s the key factor when it comes to losing weight. For many, however, it is a challenge to design them in such a way that the pounds tumble without getting cravings and, in the long term, nutrient deficiencies.

Since no food contains all nutrients, it is important to eat as varied a diet as possible and to ensure that there are sufficient macronutrients (fat, protein, carbohydrates) and micronutrients (trace elements, minerals, vitamins).

Fruit and vegetables should form the basis, supplemented by whole grain products – they all provide fiber, among other things, which fills you up and stimulates digestion. Combine this with sources of protein such as legumes, eggs, tofu, fish or low-fat dairy products.

If possible, you should avoid heavily processed products, they often contain a lot of fat and/or sugar, provide few important nutrients and only fill you up for a short time. Even sweets are ok in moderation – it doesn’t have to be a whole pack of biscuits or a whole bar of chocolate. But forbidding something awakens the desire in many people all the more.

Important: Losing weight through diet is a slow process. Crash diets rarely have a lasting effect, it’s about changing eating habits fundamentally.

Why Am I Not Losing Pounds Despite Exercise And A Healthy Diet?

You Underestimate The Calorie Intake

Do you notice weight gain despite exercise and a normal diet? Maybe you eat more than you think. People tend to misjudge the amount of calories they have ingested. According to a 2016 British study, participants underestimated their calorie intake by an average of 32 percent.

Keeping a food diary can help you keep track of what and how much you eat each day. There are studies showing that writing down or photographing what you eat during the day has an impact. However, this method is not appropriate for people with a history of eating disorders as it can make them worse.

They Don’t Care About The Quality Of The Food

There are now plenty of bars and shakes that are supposed to help you lose weight. But not everything that looks like it is healthy eating. Sometimes packaged muesli bars and the like contain a lot of sugar and/or fat.

Therefore, always read the list of ingredients if you absolutely have to use ready-made products due to time constraints. Better: reach for fresh, unprocessed food. Fruit, vegetables and whole grains are ideal. Thanks to fiber, they fill you up and stimulate digestion.

You’re Eating Too Little Protein

If you don’t lose weight despite exercise and a healthy diet, you may be neglecting a macronutrient: protein is an important factor in losing weight because it boosts your metabolism.

Protein also fills you up and keeps you full, making cravings less likely. This makes you eat less. This is perhaps also due to the fact that protein consumption influences appetite-regulating hormones such as ghrelin. And: Muscles also need protein to grow.

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