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How Does Losing Weight Manifest Itself Too Quickly?

Losing Weight –

The Federal Ministry of Food and Farming and the German Society for Nutrition believe it makes sense to lose a maximum of half a kilo to one kilo per week. Significantly more can have the following consequences, among others:

Cardiac Strain

In one study, in which severely overweight subjects ate just 600 to 800 calories a day, they lost body fat quickly — just not from the heart. Fat had accumulated there

The scientists assume that the fat that the organs deposit when you lose weight quickly, reached the heart via the blood and was deposited there.

After two more months of strict dieting, the problem was gone. Still, this brief period of increased heart stress can pose a risk, especially for people who already have cardiovascular problems.

Jojo effect

A slowed metabolism is also a typical phenomenon when losing weight too quickly: the body switches to economy mode, burns less energy and builds muscle mass.

If you eat normally again after a strictly calorie-reduced diet, the body takes everything with it to be prepared for the next “emergency situation”. The notorious yo-yo effect kicks in.

The so-called starvation metabolism occurs with an inactive lifestyle from a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day, with an active lifestyle with a deficit of around 1,000 calories.


Cravings for food typically arise when the body is deficient in essential nutrients or food ingredients required for energy synthesis. Even when blood sugar falls, it frequently does.

Keep in mind that a sensible ratio of fat, protein, and carbs should be consumed, and opt for foods that are high in volume but low in calories, as they promote fullness.

mood swings

If you don’t consume enough energy, it affects your mood. In a study from the American University of California, women who ate a 1,200-calorie diet had higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol and generally felt more stressed from calorie counting.

If you are constantly hungry because you are trying to lose weight quickly, the body also reduces the production of serotonin. Among other things, this neurotransmitter regulates appetite – and emotions. The result: bad mood, aggressiveness or even fear.

lack of energy

If the blood sugar level falls because the body is receiving too little and/or too little energy, this is reflected in tiredness and exhaustion, among other things. This phenomenon occurs, for example, with a lack of protein, vitamin B12, iron, potassium or magnesium.

In addition to tiredness, possible symptoms include hair loss, muscle cramps, circulatory problems or headaches. Another sign that you are not overwhelming enough energy is cold hands and feet.

This is because the body uses a large portion of food energy to maintain body temperature. If there is not enough “fuel” available, he initially neglects the extremities in order to keep the organs in the trunk warm and functional.

Digestive Problems For Losing Weight

Regular, soft but not liquid stools indicate that you are eating them adequately. Going to the bathroom every other day or less for “big business” sometimes means your bowels aren’t working efficiently.

When Is Losing Weight Too Quickly Unhealthy?

“Targeted and fast weight loss from the stomach in just two weeks”, “Seven kilos in seven days” – such promises can be found in various magazines. In most cases, however, they cannot be kept. Losing weight extremely quickly and extremely is not healthy at all.

According to expert recommendations, anything more than a 0.5 to 1 kilogram body weight loss per week is too fast

Nevertheless, fast weight loss is not fundamentally worse than slow weight loss. Some studies found no differences in the effect on body composition. Others have even found that rapid weight loss sheds more pounds overall.

People often lose weight quickly in the first week of the diet because the body loses water. However, a diet restricted to less than 800 calories, for example, increases the risk of various health problems

muscle breakdown


Nutrient deficiency with symptoms such as palpitations, freezing, headaches

mental disorders such as anorexia or bulimia

Also, it is less likely that people who are very beautiful

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