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What is self care? Definition And Types


Self-care, as the name suggests, is about taking care of yourself to ensure that both your physical and emotional needs are met. All the stress-relieving activities in the world won’t help if you don’t take care of yourself. If you don’t get enough sleep, meditation won’t do you any good. In fact, when you try to meditate, you may fall asleep because you are not meeting your body’s need for sleep.

Likewise, going to the gym every now and then won’t relieve much stress if you’re not regularly fueling your body with healthy, nutritious foods. If you need your stress relief activities to be effective, you must first take care of your basic needs.

Why is self-care important?

Why is self-care important_

The clear intent of self-cares is to help you live a longer, happier life. But if that’s too abstract, consider these very real results of self-care.

Physical and mental benefits of self-care:

Every time you go for a walk, eat fruits and vegetables, go to bed a little earlier, or pamper your skin with a nourishing product—these small self-care steps add up to big aids.

Simple lifestyle choices, counting regular exercise and a nutritious diet, have been shown to dramatically reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, counting heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. Even putting on sunscreen in the morning is a form of self-care, captivating the time to defend your skin from the sun’s damaging effects.

How to create a self-care routine

If you’re wondering where to start, find something you’ve always wanted to do or maybe something you feel like doing, like: B. an exercise routine. And when you start, says Dr. Sacco, he does it with very clear goals and following the S-M-A-R-T concept:

Specific: Identify the details about your goals.

Measurable: Decide how to measure progress.

Achievable: Set realistic goals.

Relevant: The change will make a difference.

Time Limit: Set a realistic time frame.

How to Create A Self-Care Routine

Self-cares is like any other healthy habit: if you want to reap the full benefits, you need to constantly devote time and attention to it. Here are four tips for creating a self-cares routine that works for you.

1. Schedule It Like Any Other Appointment.

If you’re someone who struggles with selfs-responsibility, it’s easy to drop self-cares when the needs of others or other commitments arise. Put your self-cares activities on your calendar, set reminders, and treat them as an equally important part of your daily or weekly schedule. Even busy moms can practice self-cares when it’s built into their monotonous.

2. Be Flexible and Keep it Simple.

If you make your self-cares ritual complex or uncomfortable, chances are you won’t stick to it. Couldn’t make it to the yoga studio this week? In its place of skipping it altogether, find a quiet spot at home, light a favorite scented candle, and do some light stretching, or practice mindfulness with an app or instructional video.

3. Do Something you Really Enjoy.

Don’t force yourself into a hobby because you think it’s the right thing to do. Maybe meditation is not your thing. Alright. Be honest with by hand about the things that make you feel calm, happy, and energetic. There is no judgment here.

4. Don’t Feel Guilty About Your Personal Care Time.

You cannot take care of others effectively unless you take care of yourself.


What is self care? Definition And Types

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