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Red Spots On The Face: Causes And Remedy

Red Spots On The Face: Causes And Remedy

Heat, alcohol, spicy food or diseases such as rosacea: there are harmless but also serious causes of red spots on the face. Here you can find out more about the individual reasons, what helps and when you should see a doctor.

Red Spots On The Face: Causes And Treatment

Red spots on the face appear when the blood vessels under the skin dilate and fill with blood. This happens when you exercise, when it’s cold, or when you have emotional reactions, such as when you’re excited or anxious. Spicy food, various medications or alcohol also trigger red spots on the face.

Some people blush more easily than others. Basically, this is nothing to worry about. However, red cheeks are sometimes a warning sign of an illness. We have so taken a closer look at various causes for you and explain what helps and which symptoms require a doctor’s visit.

Red Spots On Face From Heat

A very obvious reason for red spots on the face is heat – for example from sports, physical exertion or temperature fluctuations. The background: When we get too hot, the blood vessels expand to cool down the body. This reaction also causes flushed skin.

What helps:

If you get too hot, drink some water, rest, and breathe deeply. Caution is advised if the reddened skin is accompanied by difficulty breathing, fatigue, or confusion. This can be an sign of heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Then see a doctor immediately.

Allergy As A Trigger For Red Spots On The Face

The face is particularly at risk for what is known as contact dermatitis. This means: The skin reacts allergically to certain substances – for example to a soap or a hair dye. Common ingredients that trigger allergic contact dermatitis include poison ivy, fragrances, and latex.

What Helps:

The redness will go away on its own once you stop exposing the skin to the allergenic product. If you do not know the cause of the redness, it is best to consult a dermatologist.

Red Spots On The Face From Diseases

There are various diseases that cause red spots on the face. We introduce you to a few.


Rosacea is a chronic disease that progresses in phases. It manifests itself as an inflammation of the facial skin. Women over 30 are often affected. In the skin disease, the blood vessels in the face dilate. This reasons more blood to flow into the cheeks. Forehead, nose and chin are also often affected by redness.


In most cases, only redness occurs at first, and as the disease progresses, nodules, inflammatory blisters and swollen and red eyelids often form. In men, bulbous growths also develop on the nose in the advanced stage.

The exact causes of rosacea are still unclear. Triggering risk factors include prolonged exposure to UV rays, heat, hot baths and showers. Stress, alcohol and an intolerance to cleaning and care prodcts can also trigger relapses.

What helps:

Always consult a dermatologist if you suspect rosacea. There are various medications in the form of ointments and creams that can provide relief. In some cases, laser treatment is also used.

Avoid triggers such as extreme temperatures, alcohol, or spicy foods. Always wear sunscreen when you go outside.

Wash your face daily with a mild cleanser, rinse with lukewarm water and gently pat your skin dry.


Psoriasis (medically called psoriasis) is also a chronic inflammatory disease that progresses in phases. It is a disease of the immune system, in which the processes of skin renewal are accelerated. This creates too many new skin cells.

When these cells accumulate on the skin’s surface, they create defined, reddened areas of skin. Itching is also typical. An attack is intensified by stress, infections or skin irritations, among other things.

What helps:

A visit to the doctor is important for psoriasis. Therapy includes various ointments and creams, a diet high in fish, vegetables, and cooking oils containing omega-3, and relaxation techniques such as yoga.


Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema or neurodermatitis, causes a sudden rash on the skin. The disease often occurs in childhood and is particularly evident on the scalp, face and hands.

Babies often have this itchy rash on their cheeks. Regardless of where the rash appears, the affected skin tends to feel dry, scaly, and itchy. The exact cause of eczema is unknown.

Triggering factors are certain foods, muggy

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